Deacons Ministry
Deacons Ministry work with the Pastor / Deacons in promoting the spiritual welfare of the church.
Visit the sick and shut-in and care for the needy, especially the elderly.
Deaconess Ministry
Some of the duty of the Deaconess Ministry consist of requesting and administer budgeting of the ministry.
Serve as a member of the planning comimittee.
Arrange meetings of the Deaconess Miniistry and plan agenda for each.
Usher Ministry
Meet, greet and seat members and visitors on Sunday, at funerals and at other church programs. Make visitors feel welcome and comfortable. Consist of Adults and Youth. Dresses in uniform.
Trustee Ministry
Trustee Ministry oversee, manage and maintain all real and personal property. Trustee's also receive, manage, administer and are responsible for all Church funds.
Brotherhood Ministry
Consist of men who see the need for Missions and Education; lead young boys to Christ by instilling Biblical principles that promote spiritual growth.
Be mentors (spiritual) to boys yet allowing them to develop physically, mentally and socially. Fulfill needs of elderly and the disabled.
Young Women Auxillary (YWA)
The YWA's purpose is to train young women to be leders in the church. Also this group will study the bible to assist in living and becoming a Christian. The YWA falls under the Seniors Missionary umbrella. They will assist in mission work on a local and state level. Age: 18 to 35 years of age.
Seniors Missionary Ministry
Renders needed missions to church and community - visits sick / distressed cares for them. Helps the needy. Participates with local, state and national Conventions. Coordinates - organizes YWA, GA's Juniors, Sunbeams. Encourages by precept example missios and Christian Education.
Transportation Ministry
The mission of the Transportation Ministry is to support the transportation needs of all ministries of the church, under the direction of the Pastor and the Transportation Ministry President.
BTU Ministry
Trains Sandy Grove Missionary Baptist Church members in the distinctive beliefs held by the community of faith. Inviting all members to become good stewards of the faith community's household of faith.
Drug and Alcohol Ministry
The purpose of the Drug and Alcohol Ministry is to reach and nurture people at their pont of need; as they struggle with thier addiction.
Christian Education Ministry
The task of Christian Education is to educate and equip Christians with the tools for effective Bible study and transferable Christian principles for application in our daily lives. At Sandy Grove this goal is accomplished through the Sunday School, which has classes for all age groups, Baptist Training Union(BTU), mid-week Prayer, Bible Study and Vacation Bible school.
Nurse Ministry
A health awareness ministry (with spiritual emphasis). Those belonging to this ministry provide comfort to family for funerals, administers a health clinic once per month: blood prssure, glucose (sugar) check, good nutrition (a breakfast provided) a variety of health topics are discussed.
Youth Ministry
Consist of youth participating in worship services and endeavoring to serve the Lord through Biblical teaching and training that wil enable to lead now and in the future. Empowers youth to develop spriritually, physically, mentally and socially. Youth Advisors coordinate acyivities, supervise and work with youth.
Music / Choir Ministry
Carries the gospel in song. Sings each Sunday at morning worship. Members must attend weekly choir rehearsal. Travel with the pastor when requested and other engagements when requested by the President and Minister of Music. Provide appropriate music for all church programs.
Cuisine (Cooking) Ministry
Prepares, cooks serves and cleans for church sponsored activities that require the serving of food, including funerals. A chair person and co-chair are designated.
Sunday School Ministry
Maintain and publicly exhibit a spirit of concern, excitement and optimism in regard to the church's overall spritual teaching.
Hospitality Ministry
The purpose of the Hospitality Ministry is to ensure every person entering our church is greeted and that vistors are offered assistance as appropriate so that everyone feels important and welcome.
Pastor's Aide Ministry
The purpose of the Pastor's Aide Ministry is to assist the Pastor with finance, with prayer, with encouraging words and actions.
Single Ministry
Influencing single adults for Christ and encouraging them to become involved in the church. Plan activities for fun, fellowship and spiritual education.
Audio / Video Ministry
The Audio / Video Ministry purpose is to produce professional quality videos to share God's message with others.